AI Advancement Award 2022

The winners of the PLEXUS Artificial Intelligence Award from 2022
The winners of the PLEXUS Advancement Award for
Artificial Intelligence from 2022
The PLEXUS Artificial Intelligence Award
In 2022, PLEXUS Investments offered the “PLEXUS Award for Artificial Intelligence in Finance” for the third time. The award was once again endowed with 10,000 Euros, which will benefit the winners’ further research on AI and machine learning in the financial sector.
The Winners 2022
The PLEXUS Advancement Award was again won by two applicants: Dr Urban Ulrych from the University of Zurich and Sebastian Alois Ott from the University of Sankt Gallen. Their research papers are linked below the photos.

Sebastian Alois Ott
Emperial Asset Pricing via Machine Learning - the Case of Corporate Bonds
The Panel of Judges

Christof Kutscher
Chairman of the Board of Directors at Bergos AG (Zurich), Executive Chairman Climate Asset Management (London), and formerly Chairman of the Board at AXA Investment Managers, Paris.

Prof. Walter Farkas
Professor of Quantitative Finance with the Department of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich, and Associate Member of the Department of Mathematics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich).

Prof. Stefan Mittnik
Professor of Financial Econometrics, until 2020 at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (LMU) and co-founder of Scalable Capital, a digital financial service provider.
The Conditions of Participation
The deadline for submitting research papers was 12/31/2022. Students with their Master’s thesis (in exceptional cases Bachelor’s thesis) and doctoral candidates with their dissertation submitted to a university or university of applied sciences to obtain their respective academic degree were eligible to participate. Read the complete conditions of participation in the linked document.
The PLEXUS AI-Conference 2023
PLEXUS Investments AG once again organised the award ceremony for the 2022 PLEXUS Award as part of the AI Conference “Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Sector”. This time as an in-person event in the Klassikstadt in Frankfurt am Main. It took place on 9 May 2023 with around 80 guests. The conference was held in German and renowned AI fund managers shared their technology expertise alongside the award winners.
Read the programme here.
Here, the award winners, Urban Ulrych from the Teschnischen Hochschule in Lausanne and Sebastian Alois Ott from UBS and Plexus Managing Director Günter Jäger, write about outperformance with AI, statistical learning in asset management and modern algorithms for higher bond yields. published in private banking magazin on 9 June 2023.
PLEXUS Investments