Special topic:



Early understanding of technology-based trends in asset management.

Early understanding of technology-based trends

in asset management.

Silicon Valley/USA: Development hotspot for AI

Your pool of knowledge on AI in Asset Management

At PLEXUS, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a special topic that has the potential to transform the way many assets are being managed in the future. We are engaging in this special topic now, knowing that if investment managers can utilize AI to make better investment decisions, in a world of ever increasing volumes of data, the impact will be profound.

In 2017, PLEXUS founded its AI Think Tank for the purpose of

We are pioneers in analyzing AI investment strategies. PLEXUS is your link to AI in the financial sector. We would be happy to bring you up to date.

The AI-Outperformance Index, an indicator of a maturing industry

Since January 2019, the PLEXUS AI-Outperformance Index has been measuring the average performance of AI funds compared to their benchmarks. We use the English term for our Outperformance Index so that non-German-speaking investors, too, can immediately understand what it is all about.

The PLEXUS AI-Outperformance Index makes us the first company in German-speaking Europe to provide a reliable comparison of human vs. machine in asset management. Please find below our monthly publications on this topic.

Choosing AI funds for the AI-Outperformance Index is a complex process, as the universe of products simply referred to as “AI funds” is far larger than the number of genuine AI funds. The performance of real AI funds reflects the quality of AI in the financial sector.

We would be happy to tell you about

Interested parties can also receive access to our research documents and PLEXUS’s own investment pool of AI strategies.

AI Index performance, workshops, and AI fund managers

Here, you can find all the monthly updates on the PLEXUS AI-Outperformance Index, dating back to March 2019. Stay up-to-date with these compact, one-page PDF documents.

You can find PLEXUS founder Guenter Jaeger’s publications on AI in Asset Management here – either as a links to specialist media or as PDF documents.

We conduct workshops to help you better understand AI in Asset Management and AI fund providers. We also plan to organize investor meetings for exchanges between investors and AI managers. Contact us if you would like to know more about this. We are happy to organize and moderate the workshops and investor meetings for you.

PLEXUS Investments

Connected through trust.